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Navigating between the various routes(ie, pages) of an application in Flutter is done with the use of Navigator. The Navigator uses a common identifier to transition between routes. One can pass arguments to these routes using the arguments parameter of Navigator.pushNamed() method. Arguments can be extracted using the ModalRoute.of() method or using the onGenerateRoute() function.
In this article, we will explore the approaches of argument extraction using the ModalRoute.of() method. We will do so by implementing both of them in a simple application. To do so follow the below steps:
Let’s discuss the above steps in detail:
Here we will pass a single piece of data as an argument by designing an Argument class as follows:
Now make a widget the extract and displays the title_bar and text_message of the Argument Class and use the ModelRouteof() method to extract the argument as shown below:
To register the newly created widget to the routes table using the following:
On tap of the elevated button that we will add on the screen, it should transition to another screen and display the extracted text_message and the title_bar. To do so use the following:
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