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In today’s world, most applications heavily rely on fetching and updating information from the servers through the internet. In Flutter, such services are provided by the http package. In this article, we will explore the same.
To update the data on the Internet follow the below steps:
To install the http package use the below command in your command prompt:
pub get
Or, if you’re using the flutter cmd use the below command:
flutter pub get
After the installation add the dependency to the pubsec.yml file as shown below:
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
Use the http.put() method to update the title of the Album in JSONPlaceholder as shown below:
Though making a network request is no big deal, working with the raw response data can be inconvenient. To make your life easier, converting the raw data (ie, http.response) into dart object. Here we will create an Album class that contains the JSON data as shown below:
Now, follow the below steps to update the fetchAlbum() function to return a Future:
Now use the fetch() method to fetch the data as shown below:
Now create a TextField for the user to enter a title and a RaisedButton to send data to the server. Also, define a TextEditingController to read the user input from a TextField as shown below:
Use the FlutterBuilder widget to display the data on the screen as shown below:
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