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Python doesn’t come prepackaged with Windows, but this doesn’t means that Windows users won’t find the flexible programming language useful. It’s not quite as simple as installing the newest version. So let’s make sure that you get the right tools for the task in hand.
Here we’ll learn how to install python, git, vscode?
An important thing to keep in mind that python version must be greater than 3.6.X..
Install python
By installing python you’ll get installed IDLE by default, you my also code there as follow.
You may also use another IDE pycharm(,Jupiter notebook, but we will use visual studio code and we will integrate git bash with visual studio code
Installing git
Click on the setup and start the installing wizard.
Keep clicking on next until following screen comes and select on use Git and optional Unix tools and again keep clicking next and finish.
install Visual studio code
Click on the set up and following wizard will popup and click next then agree to license agreement.
Keep clicking next until following dialog box appears, and check create a desktop icon and Add to Path option and next after installing click finish
Now, this is how we have completed download and installation of Python, VisualStudio code and git. Now in next chapter we will learn how to setup and integrate git bash with visualstudio code and troubleshooting of installation.