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Python Operators:
Python Operators are used to perform operations on operands. Operands can be a variable or a constant. The operators are divided into seven groups on the basis of the basic operations they perform.
Arithmetic Operators:
The operators which are used to perform the arithmetical operations, are grouped together as Arithmetic operators.
Operators | Symbol |
Addition | + |
Subtraction | – |
Multiplication | * |
Division | / |
Modulus | % |
Exponentiation | ** |
Floor Division | // |
Assignment Operators:
The operators which are used to assign values to a variable, are grouped together as Assignment operators.
Operators | Symbol |
Equals To | = |
Added Value | += |
Subtracted Value | -= |
Multiplicated Value | *= |
Divided Value | /= |
Modulus Value | %= |
Exponent and assign | **= |
Floor division and assign | //= |
Comparison Operators:
The operators which are used to compare two values, are grouped together as Comparison operators.
Operators | Symbol |
Equal | == |
Not equal | != |
Greater than | > |
Less than | < |
Greater than or equal to | >= |
Less than or equal to | <= |
Identity Operators:
The operators which are used to compare the same object, with the same memory location, are grouped together as Identity operators.
Operators | Symbol |
Identical | is |
Not Identical | is not |
Logical Operators:
The operators which are used to perform logical operations, are grouped together as Logical operators.
Operators | Symbol |
AND | and |
OR | or |
NOT | not |
Membership Operators:
The operators which are used to check if a sequence is present in an object, are grouped together as Membership operators.
Operators | Symbol |
Member | in |
Not a Member | not in |
Bitwise Operators:
The operators which are used to perform Bitwise operations, are grouped together as Bitwise operators.
Operators | Symbol |
AND | & |
OR | | |
XOR | ^ |
NOT | ~ |
Zero fill left shift | << |
Signed right shift | >> |