Data Science

Data Science

How to Create Data base

By: Spoke Right / 13 Nov, 2023

The use Command

MongoDB use DATABASE_NAME is used to create database. The command will create a new database if it doesn't exist, otherwise it will return the exi...

Data Science

What is Environment and Data Modeling

By: Spoke Right / 13 Nov, 2023

Environment And Data Modeling

To install MongoDB on Windows, first download the latest release of MongoDB from  Read More

Data Science

What are Advantages of MongoDB over RDBMS

By: Spoke Right / 13 Nov, 2023

  • Schema less − MongoDB is a document database in which one collection holds different documents. Number of fields, content and size of the document can differ from one...

Data Science

Which is Difference Between AngularJS And ReactJS

By: Spoke Right / 14 Nov, 2023

AngularJS Vs ReactJS

Listed below is a comparative study between the AngularJS and the ReactJS.

Data Science

How do I create a table in ReactJS

By: Spoke Right / 14 Nov, 2023

To store and display data in a structured format, an arrangement is created which organizes information into rows and columns. This arrangement is called a table.


Data Science

What is code splitting in ReactJs

By: Spoke Right / 14 Nov, 2023

React Code Splitting
Bundling is a process performed in React app using tools like Webpack or Browserify, in order to take multiple files and to merge them into a singl...

Data Science

What are Hooks in Reactjs

By: Spoke Right / 14 Nov, 2023

Hooks are the functions introduced in the React 16.8 version, in order to allow the use of state and other React features without writing a class, but does not replace the knowledge of React concep...

Data Science

What is Bootstrap in ReactJS

By: Spoke Right / 14 Nov, 2023

React Bootstrap
Bootstrap is one of the most popular CSS frameworks. Bootstrap can be added to the React app in mainly three ways.

Data Science

How do I use CSS in React

By: Spoke Right / 14 Nov, 2023

React CSS
To style an application, CSS is used. For styling in React app, The style attribute is mostly used. It adds dynamically-computed styles at render time. There...

Data Science

What is map in ReactJS

By: Spoke Right / 14 Nov, 2023

React Map
A map is the standard JavaScript function, and also a type of data collection. Here, data is stored in the form of pairs. Each value stored in the map is mapp...

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