Data Science

Data Science

How Is React good for animation

By: Spoke Right / 14 Nov, 2023

React Animation
The animation is a technique to make an interactive web application. To add animation in ReactJS an explicit group of components is used. These explicit...

Data Science

what Is constructor needed in ReactJS

By: Spoke Right / 14 Nov, 2023

React Constructor
The method used to initialize an object’s state and which is automatically called during the creation of an object in a class is known as a constructo...

Data Science

What is Redux used for in React

By: Spoke Right / 14 Nov, 2023

Redux is an open-source JavaScript library which was first introduced in 2015 by Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark in 2015. Redux was inspired by Flux but it omitted the unnecessary complexity: it does...

Data Science

What is the difference between flux and MVC

By: Spoke Right / 14 Nov, 2023


Data Science

How do you use flux in Reactjs

By: Spoke Right / 14 Nov, 2023

Flux is an application architecture but is not a library nor a framework. It is used internally in Facebook for building the client-side web application with React. There are three major roles that...

Data Science

What is Router in reactJS

By: Spoke Right / 14 Nov, 2023

The process of directing a user to different pages based on their action or request is known as routing. In ReactJS the process of routing is used for developing Single Page Web Applications, mainl...

Data Science

What are fragments in React JS

By: Spoke Right / 14 Nov, 2023

React Fragments
React Fragments is introduced from the 16.2 and above version, to facilitate the grouping off a list of children without adding extra nodes to the DOM.<...

Data Science

How do you use refs in React

By: Spoke Right / 14 Nov, 2023

React Refs
Refs are the shorthand, similar to the React keys. They are used for references in React, to store a reference to particular DOM nodes or React elements, to...

Data Science

How do you give keys in React

By: Spoke Right / 14 Nov, 2023

React Keys
A key is a unique identifier which is used to identify which items have changed, updated, or deleted from the Lists and to determine which components in a co...

Data Science

What are Lists In ReactJS

By: Spoke Right / 14 Nov, 2023

React Lists
To display data in an ordered format, lists are used in React JS, much similar to the lists in JavaScript. In ReactJs, the map() function is used for traver...

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Introduced in 1976.Introduced just a few years ago.