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Python Constructors:
Python facilitates a special type of method, also called as Python Constructors, to initialize the instance members of the class and to verify enough obj...
Like Java and C++, Python is also based on OOPs Concept, i.e, Python is an object-oriented programming language which uses classes and objects for computations.
Python OOPs Concepts:
Like Java and C++, Python is also based on OOPs Concept, i.e, Python is an object-oriented programming language which uses classes and objects for compu...
Python Pass statement is used to pass by without the execution of current iteration in between the loop.
loop/conditions statements:
Python Continue:
Python Continue statement is used to skip the execution of current iteration in between the loop.
Continue statement breaks the continuity o...
Python Break:
Python break statement is used to break the execution of current loop in between the loop.
Break statement breaks the continuity of the containing loop on...
Python While Loop is a loop statement which can be used in various forms to execute a block of code continuously as long as the condition of the loop is true, and stops only when the condition fail...
Python For Loop is a loop statement which can be used in various forms to execute a block of code continuously as long as the condition of the loop is true, and stops only when the condition fails....
Python If Else statement is a conditional statement, which can be used in various forms to check a condition or multiple conditions and to perform the specified action or actions, if the particular...
Python If Else:
Python If Else statement is a conditional statement, which can be used in various forms to check a condition or multiple conditions and to perform the specifi...