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To record audio and video files, the MediaRecorder class can be used. A sound file can also be created after recording the media. This file can be played later.
In t...
The video files can be played in android by using the MediaController and VideoView classes.
The media controls like play/pause, previous, next, fast-forward, r...
The MediaPlayer class in Android is used to play and control audio files.
For controlling the audio or video files, the class is used.
...JSON stands for the Javascript Object Notation. It is a programming language, minimal, textual, and a subset of JavaScript and an alternative to XML. We can parse the JSON object and array in Andro...
To parse the XML file, the XMLPullParser is recommended in Android. It is faster than the SAX and DOM parser. To parse the XML document using the XMLPullParser, the org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser int...
Using the SAX, DOM, etc., that are used as parsers, we can parse the XML file in Android. The SAX parser can be used to parse the XML file only and not to create the XML file.
Using the SAX, DOM, etc., that are used as parsers, we can parse the XML file in Android. The SAX parser can be used to parse the XML file only and not to create the XML file.
To perform the operations on the SQLite, the SQLiteOpenHelper class needs to be extended. In the DatabaseHandler class, the onCreate() and onUpgrade() methods of SQLiteOpenHelper class are overridd...
To perform database operations on android devices, the SQLite is used in Android. It is an open-source relational database that is used for storing, manipulating, or retrieving persistent data from...
To save or read data from a device’s external memory such as an SD card, with the help of the FileInputStream and FileOutputStream classes, the Android External Storage is used.