

what is a progress bar in android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

To display the progress of work being done, the android progress bar dialog box can be displayed. It is mainly used to display the status of activities like downloading a file, analyzing the status...


what is analog clock and digital clock android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

To display an analog clock, Android provides the android.widget.AnalogClock class and to display a digital clock Android provides the android.widget.DigitalClock class. Any of these clocks can be u...


what is time picker android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

Time picker android

To select the time by an hour and minute, the TimePicker widget is used in Android. But it does not allow us to select the time by seconds. The FrameLayout class has a s...


What is date picker in Android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

To select dates by day, month, and year, the DatePicker widget is used in Android. The FrameLayout class has a subclass android.widget.DatePicker. The FrameLayout class also has a subclass android....


What is a SeekBar in android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

To display a ProgressBar with a draggable thumb, such that the end-user can drag the thumb left and right to move the progress of an activity, the SeekBar is used in Android. The methods to perform...


How to give Rating bar in android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

Rating BAr in android

To get the rating from the user, the RatingBar is used in Android which is a subclass of the AbsSeekBar class and returns a floating-point number such as 2.0, 3.5, 4.0,...


What is WebView in Android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

WebVeiw in android

To display a web page in android loaded from the same application or URL, the WebView is used in Android. Thus, online...


What is a custom list view android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

Custom listveiw android

Android supports the feature of customizing a ListView. To add the content from a data source, the Adapter classes are used by the custom ListView, just like a simpl...


What is a list view in android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

What is a list view in android

Android ListView is a ViewGroup that is used to display the list of items in multiple rows and contains an adapter that automatically inserts the i...


What is auto complete text view android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

what is auto complete text veiw android

To complete the words based on the reserved words, the Android AutoCompleteTextView is used in Android. Thus it is not required to write all the char...