

What is use of explicit intent for android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

Android Explicit Intent

The component to be invoked from an activity, the Android Explicit intent is used. Thus, the explicit intent can b...


How do I put the Search view on my Android toolbar

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

Other than the Activity layout, the SearchView widget can also be implemented over ToolBar/ActionBar. Create the menu option and place a SearchView widget on it, to implement the SearchView over To...


How do I use single edit text with edit watcher

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

Android EditText with TextWatcher (Searching data from ListView)

The TextView class has a subclass named Android EditText which is used for entering and modifying text. The input t...


how do i search view android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

To search queries submitted over the search provider, a user interface is provided by the Android SearchView. The implementation of the SearchView widget can be over a ToolBar/ActionBar or inside a...


What is tab layout with frame layout android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

The TabLayout and FrameLayout are used to create non sliding tabs. By adding the TabItem of android support design widget, we can implement the Items of TabLayout.



What is a ViewStub Android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

To load “layout resource” at runtime, the ViewStub is used in Android. It is a zero-sized invisible View. We can not see anything on the layout pallet because it is a zero dimension View. The infla...


what is the purpose of image swicher android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

Image switcher android

The feature to facilitate an animation over images to transition from one image to another is provided by the image switcher in Android. The ImageSwitcher component n...


How do you slider images on Android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

Image Slider android

To slide one entire screen to another screen, the image slider is used in Android which is created by the ViewPager. The support library provides the ViewPager. The Vie...


How do i make horizontall scroll veiw android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

The Horizontal ScrollView in Android is a FrameLayout which is used to scroll the child elements or views in a horizontal direction. The functionality of a horizontal scroll view in Android is faci...


how can i make vertical scroll view android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

To scroll the child elements of a pallet inside a ScrollView, the Android ScrollView is used whose functionality is provided by the android.widget.ScrollView class. The default scroll view in Andro...