

how do you use a spinner

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

Spinner Android

Android supports various widgets such as Android Button, Android Toast, Custom Toast, Android ToggleButton, Android CheckBox, Android AlertDialog, Spinner, AutoCompleteTextV...


what is the use of alert dialog in android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

alert dialog in android

To display the dialog message with buttons like OK, Yes, No and Cancel, the AlertDialog is used in Android. To interrupt to ask the user about the choice to continue...


how can use material checkbox in android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

How can use material checkbox in android

Checkboxes are available in the Material library for Jetpack Compose. To facilitate the creation of the CheckBoxes, Android provides the androi...


What is a checkbox in android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

The CheckBox in Android can be understood as a type of two-state button. Here, the two-state means that it can be either checked or unchecked. Checkboxes can be used to serve various purposes such...


What is Custom Radio Button Android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

Custom Radio Button Android

A custom radio button can also be implemented in Android, other than the default user interface of android RadioButton. It is usually used to create a more attra...


How do i display a dynamic radio button

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

How do i display a dynamic radio button

Radio button dynamically

The Radio Button in android can also be created programmatically or dynamically, other than creating it through drag...


What is a radio button in android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

Android radio button

 if you think that the user needs to see all available options side-by-side. If it’s not necessary to show all o...


What is android toggle button

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

Android toggle button

To display checked/unchecked or On/Off state on the button, the Android Toggle Button can be used. When we need to change the settings between two states, like On/Off...


How do you make a toast message on android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

How do you make a toast message on android

android custom toast

which takes the following parameters: The application Context . The text that should appear to the user.

In and...


what is called android toast

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

What is called android toast

Android Toast

To display information for a short duration, Android Toast can be used. A message needs to be displayed quickly and to disappear after som...