

what is internal storage android

By: Spoke Right / 19 Nov, 2023

internal storage android

To read or write data from a device’s internal memory with the help of the FileInputStream and FileOutputStream classes, Android Internal Storage is used.



What are preferences in Android

By: Spoke Right / 19 Nov, 2023

android prefrence 

To store and retrieve the primitive information, i.e, the data of primitive data types such as string, integer, long, number, etc., the Android shared preference is us...


what is alarm manager android

By: Spoke Right / 19 Nov, 2023

To access the system alarm in Android, the Android AlarmManager is used. It is used to schedule an application to run at a specific time in the future, that works whether the phone is running or no...


what is an android service

By: Spoke Right / 19 Nov, 2023

To perform operations on the background, Android service is used which is not a thread or separate process. It is a component used for playing music, handling the network transactions, interacting...


what is popup menu in android

By: Spoke Right / 19 Nov, 2023

popup manu android 

To display the menu below the anchor text or above the anchor text (in case the space is not available above), the Android Popup Menu is used. On clicking outside the...


What is context menu android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

context menu android

The menu in Android can be of three types, mainly, Option menu, Context Menu, and Popup menu. On pressing a long click on an element, the Android context menu appears whi...


What is android option menu

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

Being the primary menus of android, Android Option Menus are used for settings, search, delete an item, etc. In this tutorial, we will first learn about the simple options menu use for searchview o...


what is fragment in android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

Being a part of an activity, the Fragment in Android is also known as a sub-activity, i.e an activity can have more than one fragment. Multiple screens are represented by the fragments in an activi...


How can I share app data android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

Android Share App Data (ACTION_SEND)

The ACTION_SEND is an event of android.content.Intent class. This event is used in Android to send data from one activity to another and also f...


What is start Activity For Result in Android

By: Spoke Right / 20 Nov, 2023

StartActivityForResult Android

The result from another activity can be received by using the android startActivityForResult() method, i.e., the information from one activity can also be sen...